Monday, January 10, 2011


Yay, dance classes are back!

In 2004 at about this time of year I convinced two friends to come to a dance class with me and it proved to be a life changing action. Sometimes the decisions and actions that have the most profound effect on our lives are ones that we barely notice at the time. Like my year 8 form tutor suggesting I might like to try drama, an off hand comment which provided me with away to deal with my shyness and the tools on which I've built a career.

But back to dance. I had always wanted to learn to dance but thought you needed a partner to go to classes and even in that case, I thought I was too uncoordinated. A chance conversation at a Christmas party introduced me to the world of ceroc and when the new term started, I gathered my courage, rounded up a few friends and off we went. I would love to say I marched into the room, but it was nerves and trepidation that caused my friend to practically push me in the door. But once in that door it was love at first step and I haven't look back ever since - that is the dance lead's job!

Dance has given me fitness, better posture and presence. But more importantly it has given me the most truly wonderful group of friends who are now my family. My life has been made so much richer by the dance world, I can't find the words to adequately express what an impact it has had, but suffice it to say, I'm sure Terry who told me about ceroc, or Barbara who prompted him had no idea that one 5 minute conversation at a party could change the course of someone's life in such a significant way.

So I head to dance class tonight with an extra spring in my step, and the world's biggest smile on my face.

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